The Amaranthine Series by Joleene Naylor

Welcome to Book Reviews By Heather! Normally if I am reading, have read, a series of novels/short stories I would give each an individual review. Considering I read this series like I had just ran a marathon and needed hydration, I will be writing this first review on the entire series and short stories! Yes, it is that good!

I found the series by complete accident while browsing the “Free Nook Books” section of (I’m a thrifty shopper don’t judge). What initially grabbed me was the cover art, seeing as how I discovered the “Vampire Morsels” short stories first, I found it interesting that she used colorful cartoon looking illustrations for each characters backstory cover. Do not be fooled by the character illustrations, these ARE NOT children’s books!

I know exactly what you’re thinking, “Oh hell, not ANOTHER sparkly ooey-gooey vampire series,” as you slam your head into a wall and get rushed to the hospital for a concussion. Rest assured this IS NOT one of those….AT ALL! This series is for all of us that know vampires are cold blooded killers, sexy as fuck (if you have a problem with that word why the fuck are you here *smiles innocently*), and best of all they sure don’t sparkle!

I managed to find the complete “Vampire Morsels” series to avoid downloading them each individually and having to back out and find the next one as I currently do own a Nook (duh, why else would I be looking for Nook books). Let me explain that you don’t have to read the actual novels to read the “Vampire Morsels” as it can be a stand alone series.

Each short story of “Vampire Morsels” gives a bit of background for each character you will encounter in the Amaranthine Series. I was hooked from the very first story and couldn’t stop reading! There are 9 novels in the series as well as a prequel, 17 short stories in “Vampire Morsels,” 13 short stories in “Thirteen Guests” which is a companion series to book #8, 7 short stories in “Tales of the Executioners,” a companion short story to the prequel “Brothers of Darkness” entitled “Road To Darkness,” 6 short stories in “Tales from the Island,” a mini-prologue collection for book number 5 “Heart of The Raven,” and “101 Tips For Traveling With A Vampire.” There is also a nifty “handbook” called “Amaranthine Files: The Official Illustrated Handbook.” There are special collectors editions for the 9 primary novels and the prequel available in paperback only.

This series is completely amazing! The first few primary novels are available for free on your e-reader so it’s not like you’ll be out money if you don’t like them. All I’m saying is give this authors series a chance because you won’t be disappointed! Below I have included the primary novels in order with the prequel first:

  • Patrick’s Story: Brother’s of Darkness
  • Shades of Grey
  • Legacy of Ghosts
  • Ties of Blood
  • Ashes of Decent
  • Heart of the Raven
  • Children of Shadows
  • Clash of Legends
  • Masque of the Vampire
  • Goddess of Night

This is definitely mt favorite series of novels to date! The characters are well developed and relateable (obviously not a word according to spellcheck), the series has it’s roller coaster of emotion which is perfectly done. You may find the lead female character in the primary series a bit annoying (I did. I mean sometimes she needs a good talking to because life ain’t all unicorns and butterflies princess). Overall I give this series a 10 out of 10!

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